Thursday, August 13, 2009

Last Days Of Summer

"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... it has no survival value; rather, it is one of those things that give value to survival." ~C.S. Lewis

A quote by one of my favorite authors that made me think, can we live without having friends?
I guess, since, we weren't meant/made to be alone it would prove hard... but... would we survive?
Ha, yes you will.
Trust me... been there and done/seen/experienced that.

Lost pretty much all my friends for a bit [got them back for a while, dunno when I'll lose them again]
and, I survived.

Painful, but I made it.

I made it to... today!

Still, not the point I was going for, look at the second part of the quote now,
"rather, it is one of those things that give value to survival."
it really, really does give value to life.
Loneliness is such a terrible feeling, nobody likes it.
I mean, it is fun to be alone sometimes, but, feeling lonely is no fun at all.

However, when you lose your friends, you are more aware of what they are worth and also, you realize that God can make a pretty good friend too.
When I lost my friends, I wished I had held them more, talked to them more, been there for them more, told them I loved them more, told them I missed them more... and the list goes on.

Often, when I am upset, I remember something some friend said and try to be happy again.

(Which means you should probably be there for your friend more often because if you lose them, when they are depressed, they may remember something simple and sweet you told them.)

Hold your friends, treasure them. NEVER take them for granted.
Love them, while you have them.

Envision The Horizon.
Be A Friend.